Saturday, September 4, 2010

My 19 Month Old

2 days ago he turned 19 months and has really started to do a few things .
In the last week he has figured out how to jump with both feet off the ground! This is without the aid of a matress, couch or bounce house! Starting to tumble.Yesterday I heard him count to 5 although 5 didn't sound like 5 but the other numbers did. 1...2....3....4..... He can reconize E and O from the alphabet when he wants. He knows about 10 body parts. Words....
Ba ba- means drink
yum yum- food
Mama, mommy, dada, daddy, ball, apple, me me or Miv me (give me) Hi, bye, No, Uh- no, uh-oh , do do or ah do (all done) eyes, nose
are words he says all the time. He's added uppy, door, me. there are morethat he says but not as regularly as those one.
Favorites now:
matchbox cars, trains anything with wheels. RUNNING!!! Back and forth-even better if someone chases you.
Food: Mac and cheese, grapes, apples, watermelon, cereal breakfast bars, fries and anything you can dip (pancakes)
Sleep: Bedtime 8pm Nap around Noon for 2 -3hours

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